Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Jazz at The Montague Arms

Last Tuesday I finally got around to checking out the monthly open-mic jazz night at The Montague Arms in New Cross. Jazz, photos and beer – it's a pretty winning combination in my book...

I'd been tipped off by Rob at a Brockley Flickr meeting months ago that it was a great opportunity for photography and he wasn't wrong. It has a great atmosphere, everyone was really friendly and it feels very intimate. I don't think there are many places where you can get so close to the performers and snap away to your heart's content.

I like jazz anyway which is an added bonus, but it's well worth a visit regardless. The standard of playing (to my untrained ear) was pretty spectacular. It made me very jealous that I am so completely and utterly unmusical.

There's something about the nature of jazz that seemed to lend itself really well to the collaborative approach. There were three trumpeters, two piano players, two guitarists and two bassists whilst I was there and they all just took it in turns to play with the rest of the group.

It was all great fun and I'd definitely recommend it as a night out. I think it's usually the first Tuesday of the month so I'm guessing the next one ought to be on 7 Dec but I think Rob puts more details on his blog. The rest of my photos are here on Flickr.

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