Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Free Range

Round about this time last year I wrote up a review of the Free Range graduate degree shows at the Truman Brewery. Unfortunately I left it a bit late and helpfully didn't mention them until they'd all finished. This year I'm a little bit more organised so I'm giving a bit more notice for a change.

The Photography shows start this Thursday, 16 June, followed by Design, Art, Interior Design & Architecture and Motion Arts over the next few weeks until 25 July. I strongly recommend popping down if you get a chance. Last year's photography shows were astounding, and a great opportunity to see what I described at the time as "the largest, most inspiring display of photographic work I've ever seen under one roof". Ahem, with the benefit of hindsight that sounds a little over the top, but it's still well worth a visit.

*UPDATE* Creative Review have posted a nice review of some of the highlights from the first week's show here.

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