Saturday, 16 May 2009


A couple of days ago I was sat on the toilet flicking through the new Howies catalogue – after all, where else is a man meant to do his reading? In amongst the clothes and some great photos of China which made me a bit jealous, I saw a simple spread for something called I could try and explain what it is in my normal laborious manner, but instead I'll copy the text of their ad:

How it works
You create your own design
You upload it
We tell everyone about teepay
You tell everyone about your design on teepay
It's our platform
It's your business
When you sell your design, we pay you a royaltee

So right now I'm on stage 4, telling everyone about my design on teepay. Once a design has received a minimum of 50 orders it goes into production and the designer (me!) gets 10% / £2.50 of each shirt sold, hurrah!

I've got another design waiting to be approved and go live and a few more ideas written down on a scrap of paper which may yet see the light of day. I have a feeling I may not be able to retire on the proceeds just yet, but if nothing else it gives me yet another excuse to be designing stuff which can't be bad?

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